Monogenetics 2022 with Kirby de Lanerolle
*Price in USD / Per Person
Is there a possibility of revamping the body machine, to be faster, better and happier? May be it’s time for a pit stop…
Note: You are buying streaming access to the recorded Live program which took place in June 2022
Monogenetics 2022 LIVE, is a Christ-centric bio-hacking program, especially designed for those having a revelation of the resurrection life of Christ. A believer is born from above and has at his disposal the incorruptible spirit nature that can be activated through psychosomatic modalities. Monogenetics prescribes every day protocols that is practical for every day use that can help facilitate awareness, longevity and wellness.
This program by Kirby will reveal some revolutionary new habits that you can adapt as it suits you into your daily life.
Why Monogenetics? To bring about measurable results for longevity, youth and peace of mind. Join Kirby on his personal day to day journey.
Learn the Spiritual Protocols for Christ-Centric Biohacking in 5 Recorded Live sessions spread along 3 days.
Bonus Session: Also includes a Bonus session with renowned iridologist, nutritionist, health and wellness coach, longevity expert, and an international speaker and lecturer Michelle Jones.
Program Topics
- Pit Stop 1 – Insulin Resistance…healing through fructose rich diet and Calorie restriction (60 – 90 Mins)
- Pit Stop 2 – interchanging breath work towards a parasympathetic tone (60 – 90 Mins)
- Bonus Pit Stop with Michelle Jones – Bodily restoration after a viral attack
- Pit Stop 3 – Chi / Prana and reproductive energy (60 – 90 Mins)
- Pit Stop 4 – “Exercise profits little” (60 – 90 Mins)
- Pit Stop 5 – Modulating neurotransmitters and states of flow (60 – 90 Mins)
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s included In the purchase?
Unlimited streaming access to the 5+1 Recorded LIVE zoom sessions and (optional) entry to the exclusive MG 2022 Facebook group to interact with other participants.
Is 5DP (5 Day program) a pre requisite?
Not at all. Having done 5DP (5 Day Program) is certainly an advantage.
What should I do if my payment fails?
Make sure the card isn’t getting declined for insufficient funds.
PayHere is the secure local payment gateway we use. Some credit card issuers may require to get authorised by calling the issuing bank before processing foreign payments. This can only be rectified by calling your bank. It’s out of the merchants control. Once you have called the bank to get it authorized you can try processing the payment again.
Note: CapitalOne Cards are not supported.
Alternatively, when available use PayPal payment method (only available periodically).
Got any more questions?
Contact the support team using the HELP button in the bottom right corner.
Here’s what some of the previous participants had to say

John Vlock - USA - MG 2021

Joy Newswanger - USA - MG 2021

Amanda Ecstatic - USA - MG 2021

Kelli Ginbey - Australia - MG 2021