
Mystical Marriage by Fiona and Kirby de Lanerolle (2024)


*Price in USD / Spouse Free


  • Register by 31st July 2024 (IST) and save $50.
  • Registrations for the LIVE program ends on the 31st of July 2024 (IST) and the price will go up to USD 200.00 (Recorded product)

Fiona de Lanerolle

“I want our Union to mean something, I want it to speak, I want it to overflow, I want it to build – we want it to build, we want it to reproduce in matter what you’re going through”

Register Now!

Program Insight – 6 LIVE Sessions in 3 Days

The LIVE program starts on the 31st of July 2024 (IST) and will run for 3 consecutive days. Each day will have two sessions morning and evening. The live program will be conducted on ZOOM and all registrants (and their spouse) gets entry to the private exclusive space on the WLW Mighty Network where the recordings of all session will be available to watch on-demand.



Pushing each other to their full potential in Christ, taking each other on a journey of mutual elevation where every challenge will look like an opportunity for growth.

you’ll learn to see each other anew despite each other’s weaknesses,through Christ’s renewing lens, celebrating progress and embracing imperfections with grace

SES. 2 – EYES WIDE OPEN (Matt. 6:22)


Learn to make a sacred vow to behold the beauty and divinity in your partner, mirroring the intensity of God’s jealous gaze upon His beloved.

Guiding you to cherish and honor the unique beauty within your mystical union.

SES. 3 – FIGHTING FOR FUSION (Colo. 3:13-14)


Transform conflict into a powerful dance of unity and understanding. This lesson redefines confrontation as an opportunity to strengthen your bond, ensuring that even in turmoil, you’re moving in sync towards oneness.

SES. 4 – ROLE-PLAY (Eph. 5:25-27)


Discover the strength in your differences and how they weave together to form a resilient and dynamic unity. Through servitude and sacrifice, akin to Jesus’ love for the church, you’ll find your roles interlocking in a beautiful, unshakeable bond.

SES. 5 – BIG BANG THEORY (Heb. 13:4)


In an era where the true meaning of sexual intimacy is often clouded by scandal and misuse, this essential session of the

Mystical Marriage course seeks to restore the lost reverence for this most intimate union, to redeem the sanctity of passion, to bring honour and dignity back to the bedroom. Intimacy can be used as tool of creation, not just offspring but opportunity and blessing.

A marriage is always supposed to have a posture of a bride and groom, not anything else. It is this very fire that is vital for nurturing a robust marriage, for fostering a nurturing family, and for transforming the physical structure of a house into the loving embrace of a home.

SES. 6 – COMMUNITY (Joh 3:16)


Learn how the love and strength of your marriage can ripple outwards, touching lives and embodying the sacrificial love Christ has for us. Just like Kirby & Fiona’s mystical marriage.

This lesson explores the impact of ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to the World’ a unified partnership on the wider community, inspiring a legacy of love and service.

Live Program Schedule

Mystical Marriage Live Session 1
Mystical Marriage Live Session 4
Mystical Marriage Live Session 1
Mystical Marriage Live Session 5
Mystical Marriage Live Session
Mystical Marriage Live Session 6

Journey Snapshot

Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle | The Journey

In the heartwarming glow of Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle’s 20th anniversary celebration, a vision for a marriage redefined takes shape. Mystical Marriage 2024 invites you into a profound exploration of intimacy, where the conventional boundaries of roles and titles dissolve into a deeper connection rooted in friendship and Oneness.

Mystical Marriage distills the essence of Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle’s journey and insights into an immersive experience designed to redefine intimacy and partnership in Christ. At the heart of their Mystical Marriage is the conviction that true intimacy is built on the foundation of grace, understanding, and a mutual quest for deeper intimacy with God.

Their Union resounds ‘Relationship over Function’ that has the power to breakdown walls of titles and roles that often isolate us, advocating instead for a relationship that mirrors the closeness and accessibility Jesus exemplified. The essence of a marriage is not built on roles or expectations but on the foundational principles of friendship & grace.

Kirby’s and Fiona’s story illustrates, how moving beyond societal expectations to a place of heartfelt union and divine encounter can not only transform your marriage but also serve as a beacon of hope and growth for the wider community. Love affair is between two people, but a mystical union serves a community.

This transformative journey, guided by their life’s testimony has blossomed Kirby and Fiona’s union through two decades of love, growth, and spiritual exploration, this impartation is what you might need for your Marriage, partnership, relationship with god and is offered in Mystical Marriage 2024

Whether you’re just beginning your journey together, seeking to deepen an existing bond, or longing to infuse your partnership with renewed purpose and grace, Mystical Marriage 2024 offers a pathway to a more graceful, mystical union.

It’s an opportunity to live out the kind of love story that not only endures but flourishes, empowered by the true and living word of God.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Why mystical marriage (MM) after 2 long years?

Yes the last MM was done in 2021. In the wake of Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle’s extatic 20th anniversary celebration, a wave of gratitute & sensitivity has swept through the community. It’s like their story and the way they shared their love and faith just struck a chord. And it got us thinking—there’s something bigger going on here. It’s not just about celebrating two amazing people; it’s like their love story is hitting home for so many of us. People are really craving that deeper connection in their own lives, that kind of ‘mystical’ bond Kirby and Fiona have.

We’ve got people seriously looking to bring that same magic into their marriages & their relationship with God, and they’re hungry for it NOW. People are searching for more than just the everyday kinda love.

They want what K and F have, something real and spiritual, and fulfilling a deeply-felt need for a true marriage, one that we believe can transform lives and heal homes.

What’s included in the registration?

You will have access to the LIVE sessions with Unlimited Streaming Access to all 6 sessions and any supplimentary content.

The recordings, any supplement material as well as participants community interaction happens within the program space in WLWNet Mighty network. You can join WLWNet (WOWLife privates social network) now if you have not already for free. Access to the program will get activated after the purchase.

What if I can’t attend all live sessions?

All live sessions are recorded and made available to playback on-demand so you won’t miss out. Even if you can’t attend the whole program live we recommend to register now and watch on-demand as you get a big saving. Price goes up to $200.00 after the live program.


One registration for me and my spouse?

Yes. When you register,your spouse* gets free access to the live sesiosn as well as access to the private mighty network space. Make sure to put down the name and email address of your spouse in the notes when completing the purchase or contact support via WhatsApp on +94 777 60 90 80

*Friends / groups of two does not qualify for the spouse free benefit

Can I buy this program as a gift to someone?

Absolutely, you can! The most convenient way to gift a product from the WMP Web Store is by getting a gift voucher, which you can buy right HERE. The recipient can then use the voucher to register for this program.

What should I do if my payment fails?

DirectPay and PayHere are the secure local payment gateways we use. If one gateway doesn’t not support (when available) try the other. Some credit card issuers may require to get authorized by calling the issuing bank before processing foreign payments. Also the card needs to be 3DS activated (one time PIN sent to your phone). Both these reasons can be rectified by calling your bank. It’s out of the merchants control. Once you have called the bank to get it authorized you can try processing the payment again.

Note: CapitalOne Cards are not supported.

Got any more questions?

Contact support via WhatsApp on +94 777 60 90 80 This is ths fastest way rather than posting your questions on FB or any other SM channels.

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