So you like listening to the WOW Podcast on the go right?
Well now you can! The WOW Word is now on an exclusive audio only format so that you can enjoy it in your car, on your commute to work and even while doing your chores! This is a value-added service for you who want to download a higher bit rate (high quality) audio file of the sermons by Fiona and Kirby de Lanerolle.
Note: All WOWLife sermons are freely available on the YouTube channel. Since there is a production cost for this value-added service we give it to you at a nominal fee. However if you need this free of charge simply change the suggested price to zero and you shall have it free.

Could you email me when a new sermon is available to download?
Of course! you can make sure you are notified when a new teaching is released by subscribing to the mailing list. Not to worry, we wont share it with anyone. Promise.

Cant find the sermon you are looking for?
We intended to have all sermons starting from January 2020 available here and are in the process of updating accordingly. If you are looking for a specific sermon, email us and we will try to make it available.
Note: Every message is first published in our YouTube channel. if you see it’s there please include the link in your email.

Latest Podcasts
Podcast 28/04/2020: Moses Vs. Jesus
Suggested Price (optional): $4.99 Add to Cart -
Podcast 26/04/2020: Healing Stream
Suggested Price (optional): $4.99 Add to Cart -
Podcast 21/04/2020: How to Process Facts, In Faith
Suggested Price (optional): $4.99 Add to Cart -
Podcast 19/04/2020: Choose Your Reality
Suggested Price (optional): $4.99 Add to Cart -
Podcast 14/04/2020: What the Resurrection Means For You
Suggested Price (optional): $4.99 Add to Cart -
Podcast 07/04/2020: What is Faith?
Suggested Price (optional): $4.99 Add to Cart -
Podcast 05/04/2020: Spirit Led Life
Suggested Price (optional): $4.99 Add to Cart -
Podcast 31/03/2020: Chat With Kirby and Fiona (Living Room Session)
Suggested Price (optional): $4.99 Add to Cart
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